DATA-ORIENTED DESIGN The hardware will thank you.

If you wish to submit an article, please contact for details.

Lots of good resources linked from this site by Daniele Bartolini: Data Oriented Design Resources

Data-Oriented Design book (2018 version)- html with links

Data-Oriented Design book (2018 version) - PDF download (better images)

Data-Oriented Design book - 2018 paperback version (with extra chapters)

Chinese translation provided by KouZhe / Martin Cole

Data-Oriented Design book (2018 version)- html with links

Data-Oriented Design book (2018 version) - PDF download (better images)


Object Oriented Programming makes your life hard 12/11/2011:15:53:47

Procedural programming and functional progamming don't really make it easier, but they don't make it harder. There are plenty of pitfalls of OOP, and as with any religion, the zealots will forgive cases like this while always remembering that one program they touched ten years ago that had some globals and free functions that made their life a misery.