DATA-ORIENTED DESIGN The hardware will thank you.

If you wish to submit an article, please contact for details.

Lots of good resources linked from this site by Daniele Bartolini: Data Oriented Design Resources

Data-Oriented Design book (2018 version)- html with links

Data-Oriented Design book (2018 version) - PDF download (better images)

Data-Oriented Design book - 2018 paperback version (with extra chapters)

Chinese translation provided by KouZhe / Martin Cole

Data-Oriented Design book (2018 version)- html with links

Data-Oriented Design book (2018 version) - PDF download (better images)


Things to consider : #05 10/11/2011:02:37:12

Vectors in registers should be allowed to stay there.

Load Hit Store is never as annoying as when it makes your awesome vector based code suddenly fall apart. Subjecting a 4 element vector to a single element adjustment seems like such a small thing, hopefully this article by Jaymin Kessler will help you realise that you miss the cache so much that you cry yourself to sleep every night with a picture of it under your pillow.