If you saw that there weren't any apples in stock, would you still haggle over their price?
When studying software engineering you may find reference to cyclomatic complexity or conditional complexity. This is a complexity metric providing a numeric representation of the complexity of code, and is used in analysing large scale software projects. Cyclomatic complexity concerns itself only with flow control. The formula, summarised for our purposes, is one (1) plus the number of conditionals present in the system being analysed. That means for any system it starts at one, and for each if, while, for, and do-while, we add one. We also add one per path in a switch statement excluding the default case if present (this is because whether or not the default case is included, it is part of the possible routes through the code, so counts like the else case of an if, as in, it isn't counted, only the met conditions are counted.) under the hood, if we consider how a virtual call works, that is, a lookup in a function pointer table followed by a branch into the class member function, we can see that a virtual call is effectively just as complex as a switch statement. Counting the flow control statements is more difficult in a virtual call because to know the complexity value, you have to know the number of possible classes member functions that can fulfil that request. In the case of a virtual call, you have to count the number of overrides to a base virtual call. If the base is pure-virtual, then you may subtract one from the complexity. However, if you don't have access to all the code that is running, which can be possible in the case of dynamically loaded libraries, then the number of different code paths that the process can take increases by an unknown amount. This hidden or obscured complexity is necessary to allow third party libraries to interface with the core process, but requires a level of trust that implies that no single part of the process is ever going to be thoroughly tested.
Analysing the complexity of a system helps us understand how difficult it is to test, and in turn, how hard it is to debug. Sometimes, the difficulty we have in debugging comes from not fully observing all the flow control points, at which point the program will have entered into a state we had not expected or prepared for. With virtual calls, the likelihood of that happening can dramatically increase as we can not be sure that we know all the different ways the code can branch until we either litter the code with logging, or step through in a debugger to see where it goes at run-time.
Returning to complexity in general, we must submit that we use flow control to change what is executed in our programs. In most cases these flow controls are put in for one of two reasons: design, and implementation necessity. The first is when we need to implement the design, a gameplay feature that has to only happen when some conditions are met, such as jumping when the jump button is pressed, or autosaving at a save checkpoint when the savedata is dirty. The second form of flow control is structural, or defensive programming techniques where the function operating on the data isn't sure that the data exists, or is making sure bounds are observed.
In real world cases, the most common use of an explicit flow control statement is in defensive programming. Most of our flow control statements are just to stop crashes, to check bounds, pointers being null, or any other exceptional cases that would bring the program to a halt. The second most common is loop control, though these are numerous, most CPUs have hardware optimisations for these, and most compilers do a very good job of removing condition checks that aren't necessary. The third most common flow control comes from polymorphic calls, which can be helpful in implementing some of the gameplay logic, but mostly are there to entertain the do-more-with-less-code development model partially enforced in the object-oriented approach to writing games. Actual visible game design originating flow control comes a distant fourth place in these causes of branching, leading to an under-appreciation of the effect each conditional has on the performance of the software. That is, when the rest of your code-base is slow, it's hard to validate writing fast code for any one task.
If we try to keep our working set of data as a collections of arrays, we can
guarantee that all our data is not null. That one step alone will eliminate
most of our flow control statements. The third most common set of flow control
statements were the inherent flow control in a virtual call, they are covered
later in section , but simply put, if you don't have an
explicit type, you don't need to switch on it, so those flow control statements
go away as well. Finally, we get to gameplay logic, which there is no simple
way to eradicate. We can get most of the way there with condition tables which
will be covered in chapter
, but for now we will assume
they are allowed to stay.
Reducing the amount of conditions, and thus reducing the cyclomatic complexity on such a scale is an amazing benefit that cannot be overlooked, but it is one that comes with a cost. The reason we are able to get rid of the check for null is that we now have our data in a format that doesn't allow for null. This inflexibility will prove to be a benefit, but it requires a new way of processing our entities. Where we once had rooms, and we looked in the rooms to find out if there were any doors on the walls we bumped into (in order to either pass through, or instead do a collision response,) we now look in the table of doors to see if there are any that match our roomid. This reversal of ownership can be a massive benefit in debugging, but sometimes can appear backwards when all you want to do is find out what doors you can use to get out of a room.
If you've ever worked with shopping lists, or todo lists, you'll know how much more efficient you are when you have a definite list of things to get or get done. It's very easy to make a list, and easy to add to it too. If you're going shopping, it's very hard to think what might be missing from your house in order to get what you need. If you're the type that tries to plan meals, then a list is nigh on essential as you figure out ingredients and then tally up the number of tins of tomatoes, or how many different meats or vegetables you need to last through all the meals you have planned. If you have a todo list and a calendar, you know who is coming and what needs to be done to prepare for them, how many extra mouths need feeding, how many extra bottles of beer to buy, or how much washing you need to do to make enough beds for the visitors. Todo lists are great because you can set an end goal and then add in sub tasks that make a large and long distant goal seem more doable, and also provide a little urgency that is usually missing when the deadline is so far away.
When your program is running, if you don't give it lists to work with, and instead let it do whatever comes up next, it will be inefficient, slow, and probably have irregular frame timings. Inefficiency comes from not knowing what kind of processing is coming up next. In the case of large arrays of pointers to heterogeneous classes all being called with an update() function, you can get very high counts of cache misses both in data and instruction cache. If the code tries to do a lot with this pointer, which it usually does because one of the major beliefs of object-oriented programmers is that virtual calls are only for higher level operations, not small, low level ones, then you can virtually guarantee that not only will the instruction and data cache be thrashed by each call, but most branch predictor slots could be too dirty to offer any benefit when the next update() runs. Assuming that virtual calls don't add up because they are called on high level code is fine until they become the go to programming style and you stop thinking about how they affect your application when there are millions of virtual calls per second. All those inefficient calls are going to add up somewhere, but luckily for the object oriented zealot, they never appear on any profiles. They always appear somewhere in the code that is being called. Slowness also comes from not being able to see how much work needs to be done, and therefore not being able to scale the work to fit what is possible in the time-frame given. Without a todo list, and an ability to estimate the amount of time that each task will take, it is impossible to decide the best course of action to take in order to reduce overhead while maintainingg feedback to the user. Irregular frame timings also can be blamed on not being able to act on distant goals ahead of time. If you know you have to load an area because a player has ventured into a position where it is possible they will soon be entering an unloaded area, the streaming system can be told to drag in any data necessary. In most games this happens with explicit triggers, but there is no such system for many other game elements. It's unheard of for an AI to pathfind to some goal because there might soon be a need to head that way. It's not commonplace to find a physics system doing look ahead to see if a collision has happened in the future in order to start doing a more complex breakup simulation. But, if you let your game generate todo lists, shopping lists, distant goals, and allow for preventative measures by forward thinking, then you can simplify your task as a coder into prioritising goals and effects, or writing code that generates priorities at runtime.
In addition to the obvious lists, metrics on your game are highly important. If you find that you've been optimising your game for a silky smooth frame rate and you think you have a really steady 30fps or 60fps, and yet your customers and testers keep coming back with comments about nasty frame spikes and dropout, then you're not profiling the right thing. Sometimes you have to profile a game while it is being played. Get yourself a profiler that runs all the time, and can report the state of the game when the frame time goes over budget. Sometimes you need the data from a number of frames around when it happened to really figure out what is going on, but in all cases, unless you're letting real testers run your profiler, you're never going to get real world profiling data.
Existence-based-processing is when you process every element in a homogeneous set of data. You run the same instructions for every element in that set. There is no definite requirement for the output in this specification, however, usually it is one of three types of operation: filter, operation, or emission. An operation is a one to one manipulation of the data, it takes incoming data and some constants that are setup before the transform, and produces one element for each input element. A filter takes incoming data, again with some constants set up before the transform, and produces one element or zero elements for each input element. An emission is a manipulation on the incoming data that can produce multiple output elements. Just like the other two transforms, an emission can use constants, but there is no guaranteed size of the output table; it can produce anywhere between zero and infinity elements.
Every CPU can efficiently handle running processing kernels over homogeneous sets of data, that is, doing the same operation over and over again over contiguous data. When there is no global state, no accumulator, it is proven to be parallelisable. Examples can be given from existing technologies such as mapreduce and opencl as to how to go about building real work applications within these restrictions. Stateless transforms also commit no crimes that prevent them from being used within distributed processing technologies. Erlang relies on these as language features to enable not just thread safe processing, not just inter process safe processing, but distributed computing safe processing. Stateless transforms of stateful data is highly robust, and deeply parallelisable.
Within the processing of each element, that is for each datum operated on by the transform kernel, it is fair to use control flow. Almost all compilers should be able to reduce simple local value branch instructions into a platform's preferred branchless representation. When considering branches inside transforms, it's best to compare to existing implementations of stream processing such as graphics card shaders or OpenCL kernels.
In predication, flow control statements are not nearly ignored, they are used instead as an indicator of how to merge two results. When the flow control is not based on a constant, a predicated if will generate code that will run both sides of the branch at the same time and discard one result based on the value of the condition. It manages this by selecting one result based on the condition, in some CPUs there is an fsel intrinsic, other CPUs may have a cmov instruction, but all CPUs can use masking to effect this trick.
There are other solutions in the form of SIMD and MIMD. SIMD or single-instruction-multiple-data allows the parallel processing of data when the instructions are the same. If there are any conditionals, then as long as the result of the condition is the same across the data, the function returns quickly. If the condition result is different across the different data, the function stalls for one branch remembering which of the data had chosen which path, completes for one side, then goes back and continues for the other side. This costs time, but is not as expensive as predication as it does not always run both branches. In other systems, the condition can lead to new micro jobs handed off to different cores, converging back to the main thread only once all branches have completed.
In MIMD, that is multiple instruction, multiple data, every piece of data can be operated on by a different set of instructions. Each piece of data can take a different path. This is the simplest to code for because it's how most parallel programming is currently done. We add a thread and process some more data with a separate thread of execution. MIMD includes multi-core general purpose CPUs. MIMD often allows shared memory access and all the synchronisation issues that come with it. MIMD is by far the easiest to get up and running, but it is also the most prone to the kind of rare fatal error that costs a lot of time to debug.
When you study compression technology, one of the most important aspects you have to understand is the different between data and information. There are many ways to store information in systems, from literal strings that can be parsed to declare that something exists, right down to something simple like a single bit flag to show that a thing might have an attributes. Examples include the text that declares the existence of a local variable in a scripting language, or the bit field that contains all the different collision types a physics mesh will respond to. Sometimes we can store even less information than a bit by using advanced algorithms such as arithmetic encoding, or by utilising domain knowledge. Domain knowledge normalisation applies in most games development, but it is very infrequently applied. As information is encoded in data, and the amount of information encoded can be amplified by domain knowledge, it's important that we begin to see the advice offered by compression techniques is that: all we are really encoding is probabilities.
If we take an example, a game where the entities have health, regenerate after a while of not taking damage, can die, can shoot each other, then lets see what domain knowledge can do to reduce processing.
We assume this domain knowledge: if you have full health, then you don't need to regenerate. Once you have been shot, it takes some time until you begin regenerating. Once you are dead, you cannot regenerate. Once you are dead you have zero health.
If we have a table for the entity thus:
Then we can run an update function over the table that might look like this:
Which will run for every entity in the game, every update.
We can make this better by looking at the flow control statement. The function only needs to run if the health is less than full health, and more than zero. The regenerate function only needs to run if it has been long enough since the last damage dealt.
Let's change the structures:
We can now run the update function over the health table rather than the entities.
We only add a new entityhealth element when an entity takes damage. If an entity takes damage when it already has an entityhealth element, then it can update the health rather than create a new row, also updating the time damage was last dealt. If you want to find out someone's health, then you only need to look and see if they have an entityhealth row, or if they have a row in deadentities table. The reason this works is that an entity has an implicit boolean hidden in the row existing in the table. For the entityhealth table, that implicit boolean was ishurt from the first function. For the deadentities table, the implicit boolean of isdead, also implies a health value of 0, which can reduce processing for many other systems. If you don't have to load a float and check that it is less than 0, then you're saving a floating point comparison or conversion to boolean.
Other similar cases include weapon reloading, oxygen levels when swimming, anything that has a value that runs out, has a maximum, or has a minimum. Even things like driving speeds of cars. If they are traffic, then they will spend most of their time driving at traffic speed not some speed that they need to calculate. If you have a group of people all heading in the same direction, then someone joining the group can be intercepting until they manage to, at which point they can give up their self and become controlled by the group.
Another example is with AI. If you have all your entities maintain a team index, then you have to check each entity before reacting to them. If you want to avoid all the entities from team x, and head towards the closest member of team y, then if each team is in a different table you can just operate on all the entities in those tables. If you want to produce an avoidance vector from team x, you create a mapreduce function that maps team x members to an avoidance vector, then reduce by summing.
The implicit boolean in these tables is that they are worth avoiding, and that they are worth aiming towards. If nothing maps, then the seeding value to the reduce is returned.
Another use is in state management. If an AI hears gunfire, then they can add a row to a table for when they last heard gunfire, and that can be used to determine whether they are in a heightened state of awareness. If an AI has been involved in a transaction with the player, it is important that they remember what has happened as long as the player is likely to remember it. If the player has just sold an AI their +5 longsword, it's very important that the shopkeeper AI still have it in stock if the player just pops out of the shop for a moment. Some games don't even keep inventory between transactions, and that can become a sore point if they accidentally sell something they need and then save their progress.
The general concept of tacking on data, or patching loaded data with dynamic additional attributes, has been around for quite a while. Save games often encode the state of a dynamic world as a delta from the base state, and one of the first major uses was in fully dynamic environments, where a world is loaded, but can be destroyed or altered afterwards. Some world generators took a procedural landscape and allowed their content creators to add patches of extra information, villages, forts, outposts, or even break out landscaping tools to drastically adjust the generated data. Taking that patching and applying it to in-game runtime information adds a level of control not normally available without using intrusive techniques.
Enumerations are used to define sets of states. We could have had a state variable for the regenerating entity, one that had infullhealth, ishurt, isdead as its three states. We could have had a team index variable for the avoidance entity enumerating all the available teams. Instead we used tables to provide all the information we needed. Any enum can be emulated with a variety of tables. All you need is one table per enumerable value. Setting the enumeration is an insert into a table.
When using tables to replace enums, some things become more difficult: finding out the value of an enum in an entity is difficult as it requires checking all the tables that represent that state for the entity. However, this is mostly disallowed and unnecessary, as the main reason for getting the value is either to do an operation based on the state, or to find out if an entity is in the right state to be considered for an operation.
If the enum is a state or type enum previously handled by a switch or virtual call, then we don't need to look up the value, instead we change the way we think about the problem. The solution is to run transforms taking the content of each of the switch cases or virtual methods as the operation to apply to the appropriate table, the table corresponding to the original enumeration value.
If the enum is instead used to determine whether or not an entity can be operated upon, then you can operate on all the entities in the appropriate table. Transforming the whole table or the join of that table with some other condition. If you're thinking about the case where you have an entity as the result of a query and need to know if it is in a certain state before deciding commit some change, consider that the table you need access to could have been one of the initial mappings, meaning that no entity would be found that didn't match the enum replacing table in the way you needed it to.
Let's consider now how we implement polymorphism. We know we don't have to use a virtual table pointer; we could use an enum as a type variable. That variable, the member of the structure that defines at runtime what that structure should be capable of and how it is meant to react. That variable could be used to direct the choice of functions called when methods are called on the object.
When your type is defined by a member type variable, it's usual to implement virtual functions as switches based on that type, or as an array of functions. If we want to allow for runtime loaded libraries, then we would need a system to update which functions are called. The humble switch is unable to accommodate this, but the array of functions could be modified at runtime.
We have a solution, but it's not elegant, or efficient. The data is still in charge of the instructions, and we suffer the same instruction cache hit whenever a virtual function is unexpected. However, when we don't really use enums, but instead tables that represent each possible value of an enum, it is still possible to keep compatible with dynamic library loading the same as with pointer based polymorphism, but we also gain the efficiency of a data-flow processing approach to processing heterogeneous types.
For each class, instead of a class declaration, we have a factory that produces the correct selection of table insert calls. Instead of a polymorphic method call, we utilise existence based processing. Our elements in a tables allow the characteristics of the class to be implicit. Creating your classes with factories can easily be extended by runtime loaded libraries. Registering a new factory should be simple as long as there is a data driven factory method. The processing tables and their update() functions would also be added to the main loop.
If you create your classes by composition, and you allow the state to change by inserting and removing from tables, then you also allow yourself access to dynamic runtime polymorphism.
Polymorphism is the ability for an instance in a program to react to a common entry point in different ways due only to the nature of the instance. In C++, compile time polymorphism can be implemented through templates and overloading. Runtime polymorphism is the ability for a class to provide a different implementation for a common base operation with the class type unknown at compile time. C++ handles this through virtual tables, calling the right function at runtime based on the type hidden in the virtual table pointer at the start of the memory pointed to by the this pointer. Dynamic runtime polymorphism is when a class can react differently to a common call signature in different ways based on both it's type and any other internal state. C++ doesn't implement this explicitly, but if a class allows the use of an internal state variable or variables, it can provide differing reactions based on that state as well as the core language runtime virtual table lookup. Consider the following code:
Allowing the objects to change shape during their lifetime requires some compromise in C++ one way is to keep a type variable inside the class.
A better way is to have a conversion function to handle each case.
Though this works, all the pointers to the old class are now invalid. Using handles would mitigate these worries, but add another layer of indirection in most cases, dragging down performance even more.
If you use existence-based-processing techniques, your classes defined by the tables they belong to, then you can switch between tables at runtime. This allows you to change behaviour without any tricks, without any overhead of a union to carry all the differing data around for all the states that you need. If you compose your class from different attributes and abilities then need to change them post creation, you can. Looking at it from a hardware point of view, in order to implement this form of polymorphism you need a little extra space for the reference to the entity in each of the class attributes or abilities, but you don't need a virtual table pointer to find which function to call. You can run through all entities of the same type increasing cache effectiveness, even though it provides a safe way to change type at runtime.
As another potential benefit, the implicit nature of having classes defined by the tables they belong to, there is an opportunity to register a single entity with more than one table. This means that not only can a class be dynamically runtime polymorphic, but it can also be multimorphic in the sense that it can be more than one class at a time. A single entity might react in two different ways to the same trigger call because that might be appropriate for that current state for that class. This kind of multidimensional classing doesn't come up much in gameplay code, but in rendering, there are usually a few different axes of variation such as the material, what blend mode, what kind of skinning or other vertex adjustments are going to take place on a given instance. Maybe we don't see this flexibility in gameplay code because it's not available through the natural tools of the language.
When you wanted to listen for events in a system in the old days, you'd attach yourself to an interrupt. Sometimes you might get to poke at code that still does this, but it's normally reserved for old or microcontroller scale hardware. The idea was simple, the processor wasn't really fast enough to poll all the possible sources of information and do something about the data, but it was fast enough to be told about events and process the information as and when it arrived. Event handling in games has often been like this, register yourself as interested in an event, then get told about it when it happens. The publish and subscribe model has been around for many years, but there's not been a standard interface built for it as it often requires from problem domain knowledge to implement effectively. Some systems want to be told about every event in the system and decide for themselves, such as windows event handling. Some systems subscribe to very particular events but want to react to them as soon as they happen, such as handlers for the BIOS events like the keyboard interrupt.
Using your existence in a table as the registration technique makes this simpler than before and lets you register and de-register with great pace. You can register an entity as being interested in events, and choose to fire off the transform immediately, or queue up new events until the next loop round. As the model becomes simpler and more usable, the opportunity for more common use leads us to new ways of implementing code traditionally done via polling.
For example: unless the player character is within the distance to activate a door, the event handler for the player's action button wont be attached to anything door related. When the character comes within range, the character registers into the has_pressed_action event table with the open_door_(X) event result. This reduces the amount of time the CPU wastes figuring out what thing the player was trying to activate, and also helps provide state information such as on-screen displays saying that pressing Green will Open the door. It may even do this by hooking into low level tables generated by default such as a character registers into the has_pressed_action event table event.
This coding style is somewhat reminiscent of aspect oriented programming where
it is easy to allow for cross-cutting concerns in the code. In aspect oriented
programming, the core code for any activities is kept clean, and any side
effects or vetoes of actions are handled by other concerns hooking into the
activity from outside. This keeps the core code clean at the expense of not
knowing what is really going to be called when you write a line of code. How
using registration tables differs is in where the reactions come from and how
they are determined. As we shall see in chapter , when you
use conditions for logical reactions, debugging can become significantly
simpler as the barriers between cause and effect normally implicit in aspect
oriented programming are significantly diminished or removed, and the hard to
adjust nature of object oriented decision making can be softened to allow your
code to become more dynamic without the normal associated cost of data driven
control flow.